How to Practice Love Everyday?

By Surajit Roy

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Do you spend time together as a couple? If you do, then you probably have a good idea of how much you both want to spend time together and a good idea of how much time you each actually get. However, this may not be enough when it comes to balancing your lives and dividing up time equally. When you are a couple, it can be difficult to give up everything you like and love to spend more time with each other. However, there are ways that you can work to divide up your time and really ensure that you get the very most from your time as a couple.

The most important lesson you should learning how to practice love is not how to fall in love, but rather how to stay in love. Falling in love is easy. You feel butterflies in your stomach, you hear the tinkle of your eyelashes, and you get all mushy inside because you feel so loved. However, falling out of love is much harder. You feel that burning sensation, the hurt and betrayal, the lack of trust, and you are afraid that you just can’t ever let this person go. These feelings come from the confusion between feeling loved and feeling unloved.

Feel those feelings now or sometime down the road

It doesn’t matter if you feel those feelings now or sometime down the road. If you want to continue to practice romantic love in your life, you must learn to release those negative feelings now. Holding on to any kind of emotional attachment with another person is not healthy. It is unhealthy and can eventually lead to major psychological problems. If you are afraid that you will lose this person, or if you are afraid that you will never find another person who is as interesting and creative as you, then you need to release that fear.

Some time doing things that bring you joy

As you are learning how to practice love, show love to yourself. If you think about spending time with yourself, or reading a book, playing with your pets, writing a book, or going for a long walk with the dog, then do it. Just take time to spend some time doing things that bring you joy. That includes showing love to yourself each and every day. If you are a religious person, then start to read your spiritual books and journal every day. Reading your spiritual book everyday shows you that there is a purpose for everything that you do.

You to be completely aware of your motives for loving

There is a great online ministry by a man named Rob Wagner that teaches you how to practice love well. He wants you to be completely aware of your motives for loving, so he wants you to live from that motive every day. He wants you to live in such a way that you have absolutely no attachment to anything. He wants you to be totally open to the love of God and to his will.

The way you respond to the things that happen to you

You might feel like you don’t have the power to practice love. Rob wants to help you realize that you have the ability to change the way you are thinking and the way you respond to the things that happen to you. This can positively affect your emotions. He wants you to be able to practice loving well so that you are not consumed by negative feelings. He wants you to experience positive emotions rather than negative ones.

Overcome low energy

Many people have found that Rob’s teachings on the power of positive emotions have improved their lives and their relationships. He has created a ministry that helps people overcome low energy, loneliness, depression, and boredom. The ministries he has created have helped thousands of people overcome their problems. Most of the people that have attended have been able to leave with a sense of renewed energy and enthusiasm for life because they were able to practice love daily and use God’s will for a better purpose.

Having low low self-esteem because of negative feelings

When you practice loving you will notice that you will naturally come across situations that cause strong negative feelings such as being angry, having stress, and feeling rejected. These negative feelings will be the result of your natural reaction when you encounter something you don’t want to experience. You will then begin to experience the feelings of desperation, pain, and loss. As we all know these feelings are a direct result of having low self-esteem. You will begin to build your self-esteem when you start to practice loving on a daily basis.

Practicing daily the way of loving

The ministry of Rob Booker instructs you how to live a life filled with positive emotions without any selfishness or bitterness. By practicing daily the way of loving, you will develop a stronger sense of self. You will also find it easier to develop friendships with others because you will be surrounded by individuals who love one another and don’t have any problems or issues that need to be dealt with. It is also possible to help others while building up your self-esteem.

Love and Relationship Quotes by Surajit Roy. Most of the people that have attended have been able to leave with a sense of renewed energy and enthusiasm for life because they were able to practice love daily and use God’s will for a better purpose.
Most of the people that have attended have been able to leave with a sense of renewed energy and enthusiasm for life because they were able to practice love daily and use God’s will for a better purpose.” ~ Surajit Roy.

Show love to the people you care about

A lot of relationships end up in divorce because people are unable to prove the love they have for each other. If you are having a hard time finding your place in life, it may be time to consider how you can show love to the people you care about. Whether you have children or not, there is no reason why you shouldn’t try to make your life work and find true love.

Make your love one life easier

One great way to show love to the people you care about is to go out of your way to be of service to them. If you can go out of your way to do something that will make their lives easier, you will show them that you truly do value their happiness and their well-being. There are so many things that we can do to make our lives better. It’s really up to us which way we want to go in life.

Make your love one feel good

When you are able to give something back to the people you care about, it makes them feel good. When people have to go to a lot of trouble to make ends meet and provide for themselves and their families, they often lose sight of what their true goal should be. People often focus on the earning power they have along with their home and cars. While these are very important aspects of their lives, it’s often forgotten that they need to take care of their families as well.

Being able to provide for your family is essential

Being able to provide for your family is essential, but it’s far from being the end-all. You still have to have a fulfilling life even if you’re financially stable. You still have to be productive, you have to do your job, and you still have to socialize. People often underestimate the vital importance of social interaction. It’s not enough to be rich; you have to have plenty of money to make yourself happy.

Show your interest in the lives of your love one

People sometimes forget that their bodies and hearts belong to more than just themselves. By giving to charity or giving time to those in need, you show that you have an interest in the lives of others. When you can give in areas that bring impact to people’s lives, you’ll feel happier and have a greater sense of purpose in your life. When you can demonstrate that you can make a difference in other people’s lives, you’ll gain their respect and eventually influence them to do the same.

Learn to be an advocate for the less fortunate members of society

Even if you don’t have the means to give away your own fortune, it doesn’t mean you have to sit back and let others do it for you. You can learn to be an advocate for the less fortunate members of society. When you take action to make a difference, not only will you be a better person yourself, but you’ll also change the world for the better for everyone else. There’s really no limit to the great things you can accomplish when you put your mind and heart into pursuing a goal.

Help your love one financially secure

Many people get comfortable living a mediocre life where they feel unimportant because they’re financially secure. To really show love to the people you care about includes helping them attain financial freedom. When you help financially, you’re also helping to lift someone out of poverty, which is just a positive thing in its own right.

Put all efforts together

It may seem like charity alone won’t get people to action, but when you put all of these efforts together, you’ll notice a positive difference. There are lots of wonderful charities that provide many valuable services to the people they serve. These services may include medical aid, food, shelter, or some other service that improves the lives of those who need them. When you can give something meaningful away for free, it’s a good idea to do so. The more time and effort you put into the charity, the more you’ll get out of it in return.

Love and Relationship quotes by Surajit Roy. The truth is, you do what you want.
“The truth is, you do what you want.” ~ Surajit Roy.

Focus on what they are doing and then compliment them on it

One way that you can make sure that you are getting the most out of your time together is to let them know that you care about their happiness and well-being. The way to do this is to focus on what they are doing and then compliment them on it. For example, if you are listening to them talk about their day, simply suggest that you can hear all of the details and that you can relate to what they are saying. Let them know that you care about them being happy and that you are interested in hearing about what they are doing.

Another thing to consider is prioritizing your time

While it is important to spend quality time together doing enjoyable things, you also want to make sure that you are giving your significant other quality time as well. If you cannot be with them every hour, then set up some time where you can be together without having to worry about anything else. That way, you can both focus on what you need to be doing and minimize distractions that may come along.

Spend quality time together

One of the easiest ways to make sure that you spend quality time together is to establish some ground rules. This means that you will both know when it is time to make an effort to be together and when it is time for them to go off and relax. As your relationship grows, these rules may change slightly so try not to get too attached to them all the time. You want to allow your partner to have a little freedom to be themselves but it is important to always make time for your time together.

Buy them a gift

Another great way to let them know that you care about them is to buy them a gift. Many times people buy each other gifts but do not say anything. Even when you buy someone a gift, make it special, and let them know that you are grateful for what they have done for you. Everyone enjoys getting something nice. Be sure to let them know that you really appreciate what they have done for you.

Schedule certain times of the day for your love one

Some people like to schedule certain times of the day for just the two of them. For instance, if you have a few appointments during the day, you could set up a time to be alone. It can be difficult to do this if you have a family, or children, because you will end up having to tell them that you cannot be alone at certain times because they will be causing trouble. However, if you let them know that you really appreciate them making time for you, they will soon realize that making time for you is something they want to do.

Create a home that you can call your own

If you find that you are having to work during the day and there is nothing left over, why not create a home that you can call your own. A home office is an excellent way to let them know that you have your own life and that you are important. You can have your very own computer or notebook right in the living room. You can even have it set up so that your cell phone goes to this room only. This way you can let them know that you take time for yourself and that you are not allowing anyone else to take advantage of you.

Say ‘Thank You’ not a regular basis

Finally, one last way that you can let them know that you care is to say thank you notes on a regular basis. If you give a note out every single day, people will begin to realize that you mean a lot to them and that they need to make sure that they do what they can to help you out. After all, you deserve to be appreciated. Let them know that you appreciate their thoughtfulness every single day.

How to Be Vulnerable in Your Relationship

When you are trying to build a relationship, it is important that both you and your partner work on being vulnerable and real. Vulnerability can help you heal and understand each other. It can also help you and your partner to grow. When you are vulnerable, you will find that you can express your feelings freely and without fear of rejection or criticism.

Being open and honest when you make mistakes

Being open and honest when you make mistakes will show your partner that you are a good communicator and that you want to make amends for any hurt or embarrassment you caused. Be willing to be vulnerable when you make mistakes. Be willing to forgive and listen to what they have to say about your relationship.

Give value your love one opinions

Show your partner you value their opinions. Your opinions are very valuable to your relationship. Be willing and able to learn from the opinions of others in your life. Do your best and be willing to apologize when you make mistakes as well. Show respect to those around you.

Be willing and able to change

No one is perfect and making mistakes will only strengthen your relationship values and show your partner that you are willing to change to improve your relationship. Do your best to get better. Keep your eyes on the goal and reach for the stars. You will reach your goals.

Work on your self-esteem and confidence

The most critical aspect of your relationship is your self-image. Your self-image impacts your relationship values most importantly. If you are not feeling good about yourself, it will reflect in your relationship. Be confident and attractive and you will find the best you can offer.

Be willing and able to forgive those who have committed wrong against you

Do not let a hurtful comment affect your relationship. A person may say something to hurt you or the both of you may be sensitive to criticism and we all make mistakes. Be willing and able to forgive those who have attacked you or hurt you and be unforgiving to those who have criticized you. You will build stronger bonds and be a better partner.

Love and Relationship Quotes by Surajit Roy. He who has love in his heart and life in his soul, cannot be disappointed.
“He who has love in his heart and life in his soul, cannot be disappointed.” ~ Surajit Roy

Be a friend to those who are hurting

Do not be ashamed to tell a friend who is hurting that you have made mistakes and learned from them. It is also okay to make mistakes and learn from them. As long as you keep in mind that we all make mistakes and we should forgive and make amends whenever possible.

Be willing and able to have deep conversations

Be vulnerable and real with your partner. Do not hide your feelings from each other. Deep, sincere communication will strengthen your relationship. The intimacy you have with each other will increase, giving you and your partner deeper and more rewarding relationships.

Be willing to be flexible

As a couple, you should be willing to make changes in order to grow your relationship. Be willing to explore new interests and new ways to improve your connection. Be willing to be flexible in your expectations for your relationship.

Be a reliable friend

Trust is very important in any relationship. Do not assume that just because you trust your partner, they will trust you. Believe it or not, people can be very suspicious. If you think your partner may be lying to you, be sure to talk to them about it. You do not want to deal with a potentially volatile relationship when it could be easily avoided.

Be willing to accept new experiences and challenges

The best life has to offer is changed. Accepting change and embracing it will help you grow and be a greater person. There is never anything that you can’t overcome. Think about the most memorable moments of your life. What do you want to focus on most in your future?

Being vulnerable is part of the growth and development of any relationship

If you are willing to do this, then your relationship can become even stronger. In addition to all of these tips, remember to always trust your partner completely. Remember to trust your partners’ dreams, desires, needs, and successes as well as their missteps and achievements.

Love Science : Psychology of Attraction

How to Share About Yourself  With Your Love One

As a single mom, sometimes I wonder if I should share things about myself with my children. After all, it seems that single moms get to do the least enjoyable job in the world. And then there’s making plans for the kids, shopping for food, going to activities and just being a mom. In other words, the amount of “me” time that a single mom has is minimal. When I feel guilty or selfish for spending so much time with my kids, I tell myself I’m a good mom and that my time is valuable. But when I let my guilt take control of my life, I started to resent myself even more.

Overcome relationship doubt

  • You see, when you are a single mom, you have no one to rely on but yourself.
  • You may feel like your family and friends are there to help, but if you are not careful, they may only see you as a friend.
  • You feel like you cannot show affection to anyone because you are worried that they will not understand.

And so, you find yourself overly guarded and suspicious of everyone and everything. Your relationships with your friends and family may suffer.

Change your attitude towards your children

So what could this mean for single moms out there? You might be wondering if you should share things about yourself with your children. I would say that you shouldn’t. You could change your attitude towards them by connecting with them on an emotional level. By doing this, you are actually reconnecting with them on a deeper level which could change your view of them forever.

So what are some things that you can share with your kids?

First of all, you can share things about yourself. This way, your kids can learn something from you and see that you are a balanced and self-aware person. When we grow up with a positive relationship with our parents and siblings, these habits start to sink in and become part of us. And so, when you enter into a healthy conversation with another person, you are giving your children a great example of how to treat others.

Love and Relationship Quotes by Surajit Roy. Put simply, if you love, then you have discovered the sweetest, most fulfilling and most unexpected places in the world.
“Put simply, if you love, then you have discovered the sweetest, most fulfilling and most unexpected places in the world.” ~ Surajit Roy

Teach your children to pay attention to details and listen

And this does not just apply to adults either. With a little bit of cultivation and attention to detail, you can easily cultivate a healthy conversation with anyone. In fact, as a parent you can teach your children to pay attention to details and listen to others’ needs. This is especially useful in social settings.

Ask questions in a respectful way

When it comes to conversational dialog, you might seem as though you are not giving anyone any answers. And yet, you are. You are giving your listener all of the information they need to make a decision about whether or not they like you and this is a very powerful tool. When you ask questions in a respectful way, you are setting the stage for a healthy friendship to develop between you and the other person.

Create a long term relationship with someone

Furthermore, if you are looking to create a long term relationship with someone, you should never put off talking about anything. Even if you don’t think the other person wants to hear it, they may feel listened to. Asking questions and sharing personal things about yourself is a great way to begin a conversation. You can ask them questions about their likes and dislikes, their career, their family life, etc. Once you get a few questions answered, you can then start to develop an intimate conversation back to where it started.

Be an attentive listener and pay attention

To sum it up, simply be an attentive listener and pay attention to what your friend is saying. Then, take a close look at how you are holding yourself in conversation. If you are constantly interrupting and shouting at your friend, this could be a sign that you are trying to rush the conversation along. In order to make an intimate connection with someone, you have to be open with body language and listen to their needs and likes.


One of the most difficult things in life is knowing how to practice love. When you are in love, there is a sense of peace and safety that radiates out from you that makes everything else disappear. However, if you are not in love there can be issues that arise where you are vulnerable. This can cause problems in your relationships with others because you may feel as though they are taking advantage of you or not supporting you. Here are some tips to help you overcome low self esteem so that you can love yourself and others in your life.

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Love Science Book by Surajit Roy

Love Science : Psychology of Attraction

If you’re looking for a practical guide to romance, “Love Science: Psychology of Attraction” is the book for you. With its practical insights into romance, this easy-to-read guide will help you find the right person for you. This book is based on scientific study and psychological expertise. The authors explain how different types of feelings influence the way we perceive and interact with people. They also provide a lot of examples of real-life situations in which people have experienced true love and joy.

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Surajit Roy

I'm a trade compliance specialist by profession, ensuring adherence to regulations. As a hobbyist author, I've published four non-fiction and one fiction novel. I indulge in writing book reviews, quotes, and articles on international business, leveraging my expertise to share valuable insights and information with others.

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