Fruit of the Dead Book Review!

Book Synopsis

In "Fruit of the Dead," Rachel Lyon crafts a contemporary Persephone and Demeter myth on a private island. Cory navigates addiction, desire, and power, blurring boundaries as her mother, Emer, embarks on a desperate quest. A haunting, ecstatic novel of love and America's late capitalist mythos.

About The Author

Rachel Lyon, author of "Self-Portrait with Boy" and the upcoming "Fruit of the Dead," hails from Brooklyn, NY. Her short stories grace publications like One Story and The Rumpus. She resides in Western Massachusetts.

Book Highlights


Modern Myth Retelling:

"Fruit of the Dead" offers a contemporary spin on the Persephone and Demeter myth, exploring addiction, family dynamics, and power struggles.

Character Dynamics:

Cory, an aimless camp counselor, accepts a mysterious job offer from Rolo, a charismatic CEO, leading to a clash with her determined mother, Emer.

Perspective Alternation:

Rachel Lyon weaves alternating perspectives of Cory and Emer, unraveling a complex narrative of love, control, and sacrifice.

Emotional Depth:

Lyon's prose delves into the characters' inner struggles, evoking powerful emotions and creating a compelling reading experience.

Literary Feat:

With lush prose and poignant metaphor, "Fruit of the Dead" reads like a fever dream, captivating readers with its intensity and artistry.

Pacing and Plot:

While some readers find the pacing erratic, Lyon's narrative grips with its unpredictable twists and turns, resembling a modern-day Lemony Snicket tale.

Character Complexity:

Cory and Emer's characters are depicted as kooky and intense, adding depth and intrigue to the narrative, reminiscent of Mona Awad's "Bunny."

Mother-Daughter Dynamics:

Emer's relentless search for Cory mirrors the mythic journey of Demeter, adding layers of complexity and depth to the storyline.

Mythological Layers:

Lyon's reimagination of the Demeter and Persephone myth adds depth and complexity to the narrative, resonating with contemporary themes and issues.


Whether you're drawn to Greek myth retellings, coming-of-age stories, or tales of wealth and power, "Fruit of the Dead" promises a captivating and thought-provoking read.

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