Surajit Roy

I'm a trade compliance specialist by profession, ensuring adherence to regulations. As a hobbyist author, I've published four non-fiction and one fiction novel. I indulge in writing book reviews, quotes, and articles on international business, leveraging my expertise to share valuable insights and information with others.

Surajit Roy

India Shines as Global Leader in Diamond Imports!

India stands as a key powerhouse in the realm of diamond imports, a pivotal player in the global ...

Surajit Roy

Female Superheroes & AI Prompts!

In the tapestry of popular culture, female superheroes hold an undeniable significance. They embody empowerment, diversity, and resilience, ...

Surajit Roy

India: The Next Global eCommerce Powerhouse!

In the realm of eCommerce, the world has witnessed a seismic shift in recent years. As the digital ...

Surajit Roy

Understanding the Impact of Body Language in Attraction!

In the intricate dance of human interaction, communication extends beyond words. Non-verbal cues, often overlooked yet powerful, hold ...

Surajit Roy

How to Design Compelling Brunette Female Characters?

Creating a brunette female character that captivates an audience involves a careful blend of creativity, attention to detail, ...

Surajit Roy

Strong and Inspiring Traits of Female Superheroes!

In the realm of comics and cinema, the portrayal of female superheroes has transcended mere entertainment, evolving into ...

Surajit Roy

Top 10 Hottest Female Superheroes of All Time!

In the realm of superheroes, the spotlight has predominantly shone on male characters. However, the world of comics ...

Surajit Roy

Statistics and facts on EU international trade!

The European Union manages international trade through its Single Market for member states and external commercial policies. It ...

Surajit Roy

Holiday Hacks: Christmas Lawn Decoration!

At the heart of the festive season, Christmas yard decorations serve as a captivating prelude to the joy ...

Surajit Roy

How to Care for a Blind Dog?

At times, life throws challenges our way that extend beyond our own experiences, touching the lives of our ...